Monday, January 8, 2018

duocock ; new sports

duocock introduce

- single game
- doubles game

[duocock] New & unique sports

duocock  duo(double or Pairs) + cock(Chuttlecock)
 ; two-handed rackets sport

logo & trademark

 A new concept of sports in which players hit a cock over the net with a pad-type rackets in each hand.

 ■ Balanced development of the body
 ■ Healthy Aging, Prevention of dementia
 ■ Diet that does not worry about injuries.
 ■ A public health sport

 Game rules 
 ■ players hit a cock over the net with a pad-type rackets in each hand.
 ■ Serve two times(right → left hand)
 ■ For singles game, out on three consecutive strokes with one hand.
 ■ In a doubles game, the server can stroke one more time after serving.
 ■ The doubles should be played in turn.

 Duocock Court <4m*8m>
 ■ Single court 2.5m*3m
 ■ doubles court 2.5*4m
 ■ Net height 1.5m ( Elementary 1.3m)

 - red zone ; Doubles serve zone.
 - center(net) zone ; out zone

 Exclusive use item [Rackets]

 Contact us
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duocock ; new sports

duocock introduce - single game - doubles game